TheGod+Goddesses Stories Performed❣️🌈😎

up: myself as Shiva
up: A Kali performance

As per old traditions, the stories of God or the Gods and some heroes would be enacted to religious functions and festivals. This was part of every tradition.
India, where tausands year old cults are still alive, shows a very colorful and inspiring representation of the God's divine plays, that I want to share here with u all❣️🖤🐱:
U can call the dramas/ performances Leela or Jhanki ("lila" is Sanskrit and means God's lovely games).
up: Radha-Krishna Jhanki. (one need to know a little bit the stories, e.g. peacock Lila, Holi & more..)
Please scroll down for KaLi, Shiva, Krishna and SitaRam stories. Last ones are more cute..
Kali Jagaran* ( *a night for Mother Kali worship. Mostly starts at 10pm and ends the next morning at sunrise. Many local people, woman and a lso children will attend these cultural l functions):
These ones might be a bit creepy. Kali is the Goddess of the underworld and a lso takes care of ghosts (that's why depicted with dead-ornaments. She was created by the Gods to kill a certain big demon. All the gods gave their specific weapon to Mother Kali, so she is the mastress of all weapons & also mystic powers!! :
Shiva - Kali Jhanki
Krishna Jhanki
Shiva Jhanki : Shiva Dance with Fire.
Story of Sita&Ram

Up: at ShivaRatri Programm, Rishikesh. March 2019.
Below: Village Kali Performance: