One World Tradition🖤🤗🌈🦋

Things that are world-wide same, similar or corresponding. There are 1000nds of examples.


1. Order of Planets

2. Order & Names of Weekdays after the Planets:

3. Both applicated - The Sun &Moon Calendar!! 

4. God's & Goddeses

6. The Weapons or Symbols of the Supreme God and the Goddesses+Gods. 

7. Totems & Sacred Animals. 

8. The creation

- starting from black hole, creation of 5 elements [earth, water, fire, either sky], Planets, the 8.4mio living species & more, till annihilation of universe. 

9. Sacred Festival

10. Death rites.

11. Sacred Plants/Medical Plants

12. Sacred Rivers

& ManyMore. 


1. Order of Planets:

In every tradions around the world, we use the same order of planets: In English: "Sun, Moon & Stars"/ In German: "Sonne, Mond und Sterne"... and so on. This we find correspondending in all Languages around the World!! 

 -Sun is considered most important, and therefore mentioned first. Than, the moon is for our planet earth 2nd important. And Sun and Moon are seen as a hot and cool counterpart. And than... , the Sun is followed by the moon, other planers, and than by all the stars!! 

2. Order & Names of Weekdays after the Planets:

Where does a week start? Traditionally, it would start on Sunday - since Sun is most important. And, in some countries, up till now the week starts on Sunday, like in India on "Ravi-vara" ("Sun" - "Day"). 


Sunday - Sun

Monday - Moon

Tuesday - Mercury 

Wednesday - Mars

Thursday - Jupiter, teacher, or God  for rain plus sky as per German and British mythology (Donar/Thunder / Rain God) 

Friday - Venus / Goddess of beauty, wealth, good luck. 

Saturday - Saturn

 This is followed by ancient Greek, Roman, Germanic, Agyptian, Chinese, Indian Culture, or any Cture of this world, as well as  by all modern countries/  nations in their national language respectively. 

3. Both applied

- Sun Calendar, & Moon Calendar both!! 

-❣️😄🖤I hope I don't need to explain this one. everyone can understand!!😆😆

This one is logic, Sun Calendar for counting days, months, seasons, yearly festival and used for counting. 

Monn calendar: it is used for the harvest: what grain has to be put into the earth/"planted" which month/moon period. The moonlight makes plants grow (As well as sunlight!!). 

Exact Astronomical Mathematical calculations by all great traditions all around the World: Celtics, Mayas, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and so on.

A documentary about this topic: Mayan calcultations


4. God's & Goddeses

Almost the God's & Goddesses of all the World's traditions/cultures are corresponding!! Examples:


Sun God- driving on chariot his Sun orbit. Chariot drawn by 7horses.7 horses are the 7rainbow-colours!!

Moon God:

As the Sun God, the Moon God drives on a chariot his orbit. The Monn stands for the colors white & blue, and is calming the mind of a person.


In the 2 videos below, are a few more details :


God for Rain (e.g. Donar/Thor & Indra) 

God for Fire (e.g. Agni & others) 

God of Death 

(see paintings of Old Agypts &Indias God* of death: both "human" /2-armed body but with eagle-head *[*Garuda is the author of the Garuda-Puran/book about death rituals] 

 and Egypts&Indias assistant of the Death God is shown as 2-armed with jackle head. (see Anubis/India's Chitra Gupta who take a list of people's sins plus judging the weight of the sins according to the scale!!


Goddess of good harvest, prognity, luxary & Beauty.


6. Weapons or Symbols of the Gods

(The Weapons or Symbols of the Supreme God and the Goddesses+Gods)

up: ornaments that represent God's & kings: Tutanchamun adorned wth King cobra at the crown as well as Zepter & noose.

(photo link: 

The Trident of God Shiva, in Sanskrit named Tri-Shula. ("Tri" meaning in both languages three. ) 

Photo source:

Trident*/ in Sanskrit: Trishul (pronounce 'Trishool')

European God's who caried it: Roman God Mars & Neptun. Some Goddesses as well.

Indian Gods: Murugan, Shiva.

Indian Goddesses: Mother Kali.



(!!!This is a symbol of the priorily of the Gods. And many gods+Goddesses & personalities would use it.

The Tri/Three shows many different meanings:

1. creation - maintainance - destruction

2. past - presence - future

3. the three worlds: underworld*, middle world upper world (lower, middle & higher/heavenly planets) * underworld means also world of the death. But there are many lower planers/worlds and different functions. Some are also good) 

4. The Big Three Qualities (Indian mythology): Satt a - Rajas- Tamas (Purity/Wisdom/Good manners/"godly qualities" Action/Wish/Passion - laziness/tiredness/stupidity/anger, sometimes may appear as "demoniac qualities"*) 

(Situation-based: one can use anger also to protect s.o.) 


This is not a symbol of Satan like some people claims. That is all invented stuff to make people unbelievers)



The God of Heaven and Rain carries/yields the thunder-bolt. 

(e.g.: Germans God Donar/Thor; India's God Indra)

Thunder&lightening/ "Thunderbolt weapon"


Romans water god Neptun usually known with this.. 

(photo by

A noose is used to give rules/law and royal instruction. Also the Indian death God Yama-Raja, uses a noose (Yama means norms/rukes/laws/guidance/ to do's, "Raja" means king) 

7. Totem & Sacred Animals. 

All Power/Royal/Mystic Power Animals!! :

1. Eagle

Statue of the black Eagle (in Sanskrit 'Kal Garuda') in Nachiyar Temple in South India. He seen as a personification/life of the highest God. 

The Mystic Animal personifiying kings & kingdoms

- in all the traditions. 

2. Lion

Lion Dance😃! Old Chinese Tradition. Beautiful:

Up: Lion Festival in the streets

3. Dragon

Photo by xinhuanet

4. Horse

In mythological stories many mystic horses are described: The German God Wotan (described as a Shiva of India) is said ride a mystic & powerful horse with 8legs, that can also fly through the sky!!

India's God of Heaven, Indra, uses a very beautiful white horse named Ashwatha. 

5. Owl

Resembling Wisdom. And Mysticsm. Secrets. 

6. Mouse (Good Luck)

7. Elephant (Goddess Laxmi/ Auspicious)

8. Cat. & Dog

Cat - Good Luck. Protector. Carrier of 9lifes.

Dog - dogs usually are jolly and happy and while running and jumping around they drive away bad ghosts or bad energy. 

They resemble the forfathers/ancestors. 

They/ 2dogs stand as protectors at the gate that guards the world of the dead! 

9. Fish

10. Snake

8.1 Dragons & Treasury Gods

Dragons are said to secure gold, gems and treasuries. Similarly, the Indian Snake- gods, called Nagas, are protecting gems and treasuries underground. More interestingly! - they wear big shiny gems on their head and are beautifully with gems adorned.

8.2 Snakes

Snakes usually represent knowledge and kindomship. 

Like Chinese astrology refers the sign snake to wisdom, or king cobras are representing kings and the royal dynasty, e.g. Egypt pharaos were a mini king cobra head at their pharao-crown. 

8.3 Kundalini - male+female energy that rises up/rises ones own energy 

All humans said to have those 2energies combined. During yogic practices, sex, right mental intantion your energy can raise up! 🖤🖤🖤

Yogic books say that these 2 energy lines go along the spine, from the root up to the brain. 

With colors of Main Energy Centers (Cgakreas) thru which the energy flows! (photo: pininterest)


8.4 The Snake who holds the Universe!! 😯🌌🐍🖤🖤

- There is a Myth in some tradions that a super-huge snake is upholding the whole universe on it's head (see Aborigines story about the "World Snake" &. India's Ananta Shesha snake who holds all created universes on top of his head!!. 

11. Swan

representing purity and wisdom. 

Goddess of Learning, Wisdom, & Fine Speech, Intelligence, Music & Arts is dressed in white and uses a white Swan as "vehicle"/ to go anywhere.. 

12. Crow

It represents the ancestors. In India's death rites they will feed the crow after the death or any ancestor ritual/puja. 

In Pagan/Old German tradition also used as messengers. And they were the companiins/animals of the German "Shiv-Parvati (Wotan/Odin and the Goddess/his wife) 

8. The creation

- starting from black hole, creation of 5 elements [earth, water, fire, either sky], planets, the 8.4mio living species & more,.. ..till annihilation of the universe. 

The world's species are described in the OldIndian scriptures, and counted 8.4mio total. The species won't change other species like modern scientists claim!! I know a rich Arab guy, multi-millionaire, kept a 5mio old seahorse (fossile) at his home to symbolicly show, that we r all God-made!!, and species don't change!!! And lately, some scientists digged out another sea animals, and dating then 280mio years old!! 

Even Charles Darwin beliefed in God, and claimed, the species are over the time stable, and the souls reincarnate thru them upward (like the order u were taught on school). The British King, and ruler of that time, stole Darwins thesis/knowledge, and cut God out of it. They wanted to represent a atheistic world view to all. And that is lasting till up today!! Even today, kids get brainwashed with a "God-less" World ideas and Darwins concocted theories, instead of teaching God's Creation of the World parallel!!

Mythology, of all of the old world traditions, is describing the one big world tree, and also that there were more huge trees in general!!  (watch the Facebook video below, click on the blue)

"The World Tree

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