What is Yoga?

In this section following topics are discussed:

1. Sanskrit meaning. 

 2. Bhakti-Yoga.   

3. Prema-Yoga.   

4. Karma,Gyan & Bhakti-Yoga.   

5. Hatha-Yoga

6. Mantra - Yoga

7. "Life - Yoga" 


1. Sanskrit Meaning

The Sanskrit word Yoga is derived from the root "yug" which is a verb & means to unite with God/ the Supreme. And the noun derived from it is Yoga which means

" Union with Gid/ the Supreme / the Spiritual realm/  the Spiritual Truth"

In general, the Supreme is seen /accepted as a person, along with its energy/ energies. Used is the logic: " Since we are a person, our origin also needs to be a person!!!"

Hence, the Supreme is accepted as a personal God, with personal energies, as well as "impersonal" ****energies / shining energies.

*** only people who realised the personal God will be able to mentally connect/ see energies around e.g. Sun, blue sky, space, the spirit sky, time etc as personal featurey/beautiful energies/powers of the Lord.

Yug/Yoga means Union with the Supreme/ Supreme God and its Energies.**

**Sanskrit words differentiate union with material/worldy/ ordinary things, and the union with higher/ spiritual/divine/pure things. So, 2 different words will be used for these 2 terms. Hence, Yoga is a spiritual union, that can refer to union with the self/soul, the spiritual sky, spiritual energies/ attributes/ spiritual bliss/ connection to the spiritual god/ his "games". 

2. Bhakti-Yoga

Bhakti (Love) to God is considered one of the topmost attainments/ thinking attitudes in Indian philosophy / Indian & Worldwide understanding.

"bhakti" exactly means: love &devotion to a personal!!! God. This is love is supposed to be pure*. Free from anger, greed/ negative thinking about people & society.


3. Prema-Yoga

*Pure love to God is also named Prema-bhakti. And the connection/"union" is called Prema-Yoga. That can refer to any God. Since Indian philosophy refers to a single God, who appears in multiple/ millions of forms, you can chose your preferred "God"/appearance of God!! 

4. Karma, Gyan & Bhakti-Yoga

There r many divisions of yoga. Main 3 divisions according to Old-Indian manuscripts / texts are:

1. Karma-Yoga: Yoga of Work/duty/ Practical Application. Also known aa 'yoga of activity'. 

2. Gyana-Yoga: Yoga of higher/Spiritual Knowledge.[sometimes written "Jana-Yoga" but pronounced gy...]

3. Bhakti-Yoga (Yoga of Love & Connection)

They r well described in the popular old Indian scripture:  - the Gita ("Bhagavat-Gita"). It's a very philosophical dialogue between Lord Krishna & his student Arjun... U can get it online as PDF as well... 

!!!!  That 3 [Karma, Bhakti, Gyan] are the big 3 mentioned divisions of Yoga. And in this context mostly Yoga-Asana is rarely mentioned!!!

Hatha-Yoga / "sport-/strecjing-/gymnastic - positions are mentioned as a separate thing/ activity for spiritual enlightenment!!! 

Like for example in the Gita, Lord Krishna very shortly mentioned a sitting position, 1 breathing technique, and a 3rd-eye/vision- strengthening technique. Other yogic techniques, like control of Mind & steady mind, Krishna talks about more clearly. The asanas* (*yoga postures) r mentioned as techniques to get strong body+mind.

Also Patanjali, in the book Patanjali Yoga Sutras will mostly talk about PSYCHOLOGY!!! & about Mystic powers & their attainment!!! [use power of mind for it!] 

5. Hatha-Yoga

The old Indian Sanskrit texts about Yoga are Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Samhita, Bhagavad-Gita & various Brahmans& Upanishads... Pls see my other text about Yoga scriptures. [check menu-list!!] 

5.1  Eight Steps of Patanjali

 .... also called the 8 Steps of "Raja-Yoga" or just "Patanjali Yoga".

In this manuscript / old Sanskrit text, asana/yoga-positions are only one part of Yoga/life/to keep your body strong & pure, ready for enlightenment. Therefore, yoga should be understood in it's complete way.

The 8 Steps/ Practises of Yogi/ Philosopher Patanjali

1.Yama: purity, mind-control, tell truth, be happy. good virtues & support of society. 

2. Niyama: the "don'ts" : don't lie. don't steal. don't kill.
3. Asana: Yoga postures to make body & mind strong
4. Pranayama - breathing control & breathing exercise. = purification of lungs & energy channels in the body. + purification of blood & brain thru higher oxigen level.

5. Pratyahara - strengthened sense-perception.
6. Dharana - concentration. 
7. Dhyana - meditation 
8. Samadhi (full Trance, steady ess, perfection & completeness) 

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6. Mantra-Yoga 

Use Mantra to Unite with God/the Supreme!!! 💙💗💛💙💙💙 Please see my text about Mantras & Kirtans💝💙💛!!! 

7. "Just-Live-Life-Yoga"

Plsssss, don't think to much!! Just go & do with the heart. Because with the heart is always the right way!!! 😃😎💝💝💝



Take it easy. Love Life. Love God. Love Yourself!!!
