Yoga is a many many 1000nds of years old spiritual art & science, as many of u know. Therefore, I start from the origin of Yoga & India's main Sanskrit books/manuscripts on yoga. All ancient scriptures are called "Shasta". Therfore, we talk here about "Yoga-Shastra"!! ❣️💛
A: 💛❣️"Yoga-Shasta" ❣️💛
B: 💛❣️18th/19th century popular teachers books.
C: Yoga Institutes who published many books.
D: 💛❣️❣️🐱Modern Yogi Books.
A: 💛❣️"Yoga-Shastra"❣️💛
Mainly at Yoga schools and yoga universities these 6 main books are taught:
1. Patanjali Yoga Sutra (PYS). = on Psychology & Control of Mind. (e.g. published by RamaKrishna Mission. Available in India prixe 60Rs)
2. Hatha Yoga Pradipika (HYP). = on Asana, Pranyama, "King" Yoga & more!!
3. Gheranda Samhita.
4. Shiva Samhita (Shiva instructs Parvati).
5. Isha-Upanishad & other Upanishads.
6. Bhagavad-Gita (BG) (Gita has many translators& interprators. U can take Gita Bhasya by Ramanuja Acharya, RamaKrishna Mission. Or by BKS Iyengar. Or by Gita Press (20-40Rs only).
Other Books are Yoga Vasishta (Instructions of Gurus to Lord Rama, who lived 300.000years ago!), & Books from the Tantra Shastra.
There are some Tamil based books, taught by Shri Agastiar Muni, and they are published with English Ed translation by the Kriya Yoga School who follows Paramahamsa Nityananda Babaji, who lives up till now in the Himalayan mountains). They r quite mystical books touching the topics of mind control, Pranyama and asana, bandhas, kriyas & mudras.
Krishnam Acharya (who didn't write much books. but 6 disciples published about him)
BKS Iyengar
Shivananda Swami.
Paramahamsa Nityananda.
Autobiographie Yogananda (I didn't read or like but many"yoga tourists " do/+!
2000 Yoga Asana.
Books of Bihar School of Yoga.
And more..