⭐Sacred Mountains⭐

Mount Kailash, Tibet. Altitude: 6600meters.
Many Mountains in India and around the world are considered sacred, & as the abode of the Gods.
Like they say, no-one has gone up to the peak of Kailash, out of respect, and anyone who tried never came back!! But it's not that scary!!
As per Indian tradition, Sacred mountains are circumbulated barefoot & clockwise!

Bastai. East-Germany. Border to Czech.
1. Mount Kailash.
2. Govardhan Parvat.
3. Other Himalayan Mountains: Nara-Narayan Mountain, Devi Peaks & more.
4. South Indian Peaks: Tirumala, KalaHasthi, TiruVanaMalai, Agastiyar Malai.
5. Procedure of Worship.
6. Sacred Mountains around the World!!
1. Mount Kailash
Movies or photos explain sometime more than words. Therefore, these well-done documentaries below are for you:
Kailash is worshipped by many age-old traditions: Jain Tradition, Hindu, Buddhist and the local Tibetan Pagan/Shaman religion/cult are the most common!!
2. Govardhan Parvat

Shri Govardhan is situated in Mathura, 2h from NewDelhi. The whole area of Mathura, also called Mathura-Mandal or Braj and is considered a sacred area and pilgrimage place since more than 5000 years ago. The 12km long hill used to be a 4km high mountain. But Die to a curse, he is said to shrink every day!
Supreme Lord Krishna, along with his friends, had a lot of childhood past times and games there.
In today's time, it is just a 3 to 4hours drive from Delhi away. People circambulate (walk a around the hill) barefoot, and clockwise. This is a way of ancient worship!! Mostly this ritual is done on full moon days, and other religious days!

Small sakred lakes or ponds, cows, peacocks, small temples and Sacred shrines are along the way. If you do a pilgrimage /walk around the hill, it takes 21km or 24km (inner/outer walking path!)
In hot summer days, with 46degree, people use to walk during night time. Sometime many 1000nds of people walk, and it looks like a beautiful stream of people goes around. Some sing religious songs, or stop at the temples to offer fruits and flowers!!
Below: a personal Govardhan trip by a tourists. While walking around the hill, one can see local villages, kids, cows, peacocks, & also the holy ponds, temples and places:
3. Other Himalayan Peaks:
3.1 Nara-Narayan Mountain
3.2 Devi Peaks
3.3 Caves of the Yogis & Sages
3.4 Hot water springs & Mystic gas Flames
4. South Indian Peaks:
4.1 Tirumala, 4.2 KalaHasthi, 4.3 TiruVanaMalai, 4.4 Agastiyar Malai.