Prediction Arts

Future-, past-, present-predictions throu

1. Astrology

2. Palm leaves [&Akashik records] by Seers

3. Palmistry

4. Face Reading, Mind Reading, Body Reading &more

5. Yantras & Numerology (Maths behind universe)

6. Omens & Dreams

& more


1. Astrology

 - the Sanskrit word for it is Jyotisha. Jyotish means to illuminate. E.g. the stars or other planets illuminate our planet with light, knowledge & a certain energy.

(-Means, also to illuminate yr brain, understanding with know-how, wisdom, opportunities & ideas.) 

1.1 Astrology (is) about everything?

Astrology really does explain everything about this world, how different things, items or personalities or attitudes represent a certain Planet.

A good Introduction about the Sun is in the video below:

1.2 Accuracy of ancient Maths as basis of Astronomy, astrology, Arts, the whole world & predictions. Pls see video:

1.2. Basics of Astrology.

Page in Progress!!


2. Palm Leaves

Palm leaf prediction of this year, for the whole world:

German: Click here

In English

A summary, I quickly wrote (PDF in English soon)

- Vulcano activity in month February till April, especially of Mount Etna, Italy. Vulcano ashes and Gases will be in the atmosphere above middle Europe and will bring some damage throu rain in month of July

-Germany's next prime Minister will be a man. Who will have a big heart for the German people/population.

-British Queens due to high age gives responsibilities to her son. After her death, he and his wife will be on the thrown. They r not liked by the public. Only short rulers hip. After that UK/Britain will divide again into its states.

China will try to expand/border conflicts to India

China will have a rebirth of its own culture (September /October onwards..?)


Worldwide traveling will get back to normal till end of this year. 2022onwards it will be all okay again.

So called "Scientists" will develope something for "Anti-aging" which will turn into a curse/..means: something really bad will happen to the people who take it!!

It's already in the news that this stuff is on the market: see below:

Upcoming years:

1. Again more/too many refugees come to Europe (Germany, France, Britain). Room rents increase.

2. In 2026 Law to make huge migration restrictions. 

3. 2023 Arabs bring a deathly disease to Europe, called Kunu. It's some worms that eat the intestines of people. Death rate of those who get infected will be around 90%. (in 7 - 10days the intestines will be gone/dissolved. This disease is already known for dogs & cats) 

The Golden Age

--a good and spiritual time on whole earth will start 2046/48.

2046 - A magnetic Meteorit is flying close by the earth. Earthquakes all around the planet. Huge cleaning up work will uncover some replica from intelligent life from the universe/outside space. After that people will understand, -we r not alone, and all world consciousness will change!!

(source: palm leaf with predictions of 2000 till 2050 of this earth, researched and translated by the German "researcher" Thomas Ritter. All on his Webpage!!)



3. Numerology 

Many numbers in India & around the World are considered sacred. Like 1, 3, 7, 9, 16 are few basic ones. Big importance is given to the number 108* for the number of Mantra recitation or counting.

* 108 - like we have 108 elements in this world/ on this planet, starting with gold and so on..

Other important numbers are 1008, same system like 108.

Rules of Numerology

Coming soon

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